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jewelry matching

time:2022-08-10 source:sznbone Views:

In modern society, wearing jewelry can reflect people's aesthetics, spiritual outlook and life interest. However, how to choose jewelry that suits you is a subject. A good jewelry match is like a finishing touch, and a bad match is counterproductive. Our jewelry processing factory has sorted out the three principles of jewelry matching for everyone.

  1. Don't have too many accessories. One or two pieces are delicate decorations and embellishments, while more than three pieces are vulgar. Remember that jewelry is only an embellishment, used to adjust the dress, make it more in line with the temperament you want to show.

            2. Wearing stainless steel jewelry should conform to your own temperament and personality characteristics. People who have a lively personality and are impatient and impulsive, generally should not wear bright red jewelry, as this will strengthen the personality traits of "impatient". On the contrary, wearing cool jewelry will help to balance the extreme personality. The personality is stable or relatively introverted and can be worn in bright colors, which is conducive to creating a more lively and upward image.

 3. Wearing jewelry should be combined with the surrounding environment. For grand occasions, bright color series, gorgeous and unique jewelry can be worn. In the normal working environment during the day, you can wear some cool-colored jewelry with quiet colors and elegant and simple shapes.

            In addition to the above points, when wearing jewelry, the skin color, face shape, clothing, hairstyle and other characteristics of the wearer should also be considered comprehensively.